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How to save money on Facebook advertising?

compose-methodology facebook Mar 14, 2018

No doubt, Facebook is a great platform for advertising and promoting any brand, business, product, services or event. A slight unrelated content, images, headline, Text copy in your advertising campaign can become the reason of loss of money. But if all the right steps taken you can reach the height of success.

Are you paying too much for your Facebook ad campaign?

If yes, then play wisely by using below given tips and arm your money without compromising with the ad quality.

Here are the tips that can help you in saving money that are spent on Facebook Advertising:

  • Facebook Ad targeting:
    Facebook targeting allows you to target people with specific interest or the one’s which fits a certain demographics. Once you are done with targeting, save these target groups for future use. Facebook targeting helps you to search look alike audience and you can even do this by searching profiles of people already in your email list.

  • Don’t run for wrong targets:
    Wrong targets can create problems for your Facebook ad campaign and can also affect results of the campaign. Target only those audience which fits precisely in your campaign. 

  • Know what you are paying for:
    For getting ad space for publishing your ad on Facebook you have to go through a small bidding process.

    Following are the 2 different bidding process: 

    CPC/ PPC (Pay Per Click): in this you pay only when someone clicks on your ad. This process is best for the people who are at the beginner’s level of using Facebook ads.  

    CMC/ PPM (Cost Per impressions): In this you have to pay once you receive 1000 views. Here you pay little for more views but you don’t receive clicks in this. These type of Ads are useful when you want create brand awareness.
  • Don’t advertise if they’ve already bought:
    Nobody likes to receive same ad, if they had already bought it. If you are advertising on which action can be taken just once, then there is no intelligence in showing the same ad again and again to the people who have already taken your desired action on that ad.

    Facebook charges for showing your ad and would keep on showing advert to the people who have already purchased it but it can be avoided by updating your list of buyers and target audience.

  • Split test everything:
    One of the best thing about Facebook advertising is that you can test everything here and choose best one for your campaign. You can do split test for audiences, Location, Ad Headline, Ad Picture, Ad Copy / Call To Action, Desktop versus Mobile, News Feed versus Right Hand Column and choose best option from the result of test.


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