How To Benefit From Social SEO

seo Jun 06, 2018

SEO is the art and science of making websites attractive to search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo. Its goal is to get your website high on the search engine rankings. The better your search engine optimization is, the higher ranking it will achieve in the search result listings.

That’s why, knowing the benefits of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is necessary and it is valuable focus. SEO is a constantly changing industry that involves many time-consuming tasks. Understanding its advantages can accomplish a lot for you.

Let’s take a look at some of the many benefits of SEO, and help you understand why SEO is so awesome:

In Comparison to Adwords and PPC The Results are Low Cost - Since organic listings are free, when you are listed at the top, you don’t need to allocate budget for advertising (and you don’t need to pay per click). With reasonably small expense for SEO costs, and with a little bit of effort, your website will get consistent organic traffic.

Higher Brand Credibility (People Trust Google) - People around the world believe Google and trust that the listing on its first page consists of reputable companies. By doing SEO, your website becomes brand name competitors want to beat. On the other hand, the further back your content is on Google rankings, the more people will be skeptical about the value of it.

Increase in Traffic - With reporting tools and Analytics, you will have a clear increase in traffic. This is a plain way to maximize your business efforts. SEO will give you quick results and your traffic will increase at a steady rate. By utilizing tools for tracking traffic, you can have clear insight and watch as people visit your site.

Increased ROI (Return on Investment) - According to some researches we have done, if 1000 visitors find you through paid ads, only 2% of them might convert into a sale. On the other hand, when you get the same number of click from your SEO efforts, 4% of the will convert into a sale. Obviously, this leads to increased ROI.

Link Earning - This means you can use the reach of social media to get your content cited by others. If other niche/related websites have a link leading back to your content, then that will strongly impact on how credible Google thinks your content is. As a result, link earning affects how high your site ranks.

For example, on LinkedIn, your article can be read by hundreds of people. If some of them write their own articles or posts, and refer back to your article, you’ll earn credible links and your content will rank up in Google. In 2018 this method is expected to be much more scalable than guest posting.

Brand Awareness - Because high position rankings result in remarkable impressions, having your site at the top of result pages will give you more exposure. Also, getting ranked on first page for your targeted keywords will help your users not only associate your brand with those keywords, but will establish trust (because companies ranked on first page are generally considered to be more trustworthy). The more your content ranks in high positions on search engines, the bigger chances you have for users to see your content and relate it with your brand.

More Permanent Results - The effects of SEO efforts are more permanent (compared to paid advertisements). This means that SEO won’t suddenly stop if you stop paying for it. Obviously, you will need to work hard to be 1st placed on search ranks, but if you get that place it can be quite difficult for your competitors to take you down.

No matter what the future holds, it’s known that social media can help your SEO efforts (since it offers many long-term benefits).

Some SEO Experts even consider that shares are more powerful than building backlinks. Shares can bring you more traffic, which results in higher rankings in search engine results! Remember that social clicks that comes from the popular social media platforms give you organic clicks. That translates into a higher spot in the search rankings. Social Media is also a huge factor In local SEO. Your social media accounts already rank in the results and can give you enormous SEO benefits on a local level.

Pro Tips:

  • Get a habit to post multiple times per week (or even multiple times per day if you have many followers) to see the real SEO benefits of your social media efforts!

  • Be active on multiple social platforms to build your brand. The higher brand authority you’ll get, the more SEO benefits you’ll notice. As we mentioned before, Google loves Higher Brand Credibility and Higher Brand Awareness.

  • Put more targeted keywords into your social media posts and use keyword hashtags whenever possible.

  • Follow relevant people you think might be interested in your product. The more targeted followers you have, the higher you’ll rank, because they will be more interested about what you have to say on your website. Higher average time spent on site = lower bounce rate = higher rankings!

  • Customize your content for the specific social media platforms. The same content may not work for both Twitter and Instagram for example.

  • Consider using an influencer for some important posts which will boost your website traffic drastically.
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