5 Low Cost Marketing Tactics

Aug 10, 2018

When looking for marketing tactics for your business we always recommend putting your consumers needs first. You must do market research, get consumer feedback and find what your customers are searching for online.

Without understanding the problem you need to solve, you can’t even begin to choose which technique will be the most effective or the most cost effective. And even then, to find the most effective low cost solution will require research, thought, experience, creativity, and intuition.

There is no magic marketing solution for all types of businesses, but the majority of situations content marketing and branding remains the best marketing tactic for your business.

Why consider Content Marketing?

  • You become an expert in your own field
  • You build trust and positive reputation and when someone needs to buy, she/he will be thinking to contact you
  • Good articles attract customers even years after the publishing date
  • Most content marketing tactics can be executed for free
  • It helps you in customer retention

Here are some more tactics you can start implementing right away to help grow your brand and revenue for your business:

1. Social media marketing

Social media is a powerful tool today. Advertise on the different channels like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Once you figure out the formula that works for you, you will be able to target your ideal audience at a comfortable budget.

2. Search Engine Optimization

Optimize your website for keywords to help improve direct and organic search results for your website. This is very important to drive the right traffic to your website that could convert to qualified leads. Though it is time consuming and the results take some time to be noticeable, it is completely worth the effort.

3. Marketplace listings

Ensure your company is listed in relevant journals and resources so prospects looking for a product/service similar to yours can find you easily. Also you can submit your website in all search engine websites so it is indexed.

4. Referrals

This is the most effective way to market and drive qualified leads to your website. Reviews of happy customers who are using your product will help open many doors for your business.

5. Value Exchange

Once they are in your website motivate them to sign-up for your newsletters. Now you need to give them benefits for signing-up for your newsletter. For Example: You must have seen many eCommerce retailers providing discount coupons etc. When you’re able to give a value exchange for your customers contact information you’ll be able to continue following up and sending future promotions.

The Marketing Tactics Takeaway

Practicing the above steps will help you accomplish the following:

  • Awareness
  • Customers perceived value
  • Quality/Hot leads (customers at a later stage)
  • Higher rate of conversions
  • More referrals

As far as our experience in online marketing is concerned, the best way to grab the market is by building your brand online so customers search for you when they’re ready to buy your product.

Your brand strategy should not be focused only on immediate tactics but on long-term goals and sustainable growth. Your strategy should always be flexible to cater for the ever changing market, consumers and competitors in order to succeed.

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