5 Hidden Membership Site Challenges

membership May 27, 2018

So today I wanted to address the "leaky bucket" effect that keeps membership site owners and course creators stuck treading water without reaching their income goals.

There are 5 ongoing challenges that can keep you from reaching your business goals with your online courses and membership offering.

Ongoing Challenge 1: Attracting Leads and Getting People to Opt-In

In order to sustain your membership site and sell your courses, you need people who are interested enough to actually consider your offers.

Building an engaged list of subscribers is the key here... but did you know there's a way your membership site can help you with that?

Ongoing Challenge 2: Converting Leads into Happy Paying Customers

Once you've figured out a way to get more people to join your email list, you need to tell them about your paid courses and offerings in a way that converts.

The standard email marketing funnel works... but if they don't buy, there are more organic ways to get them to purchase your paid offerings right inside your membership site.

Ongoing Challenge 3: Having a Leaky Checkout Experience & Losing Out On Sales

Once you've done all of the hard work of getting people to say yes to your paid offerings... you definitely don't want to lose out on sales by having a leaky checkout experience.

Statistics show that 77% of people who click the “Buy Now” button never complete their order, but there's a way to recoup these sales.

Ongoing Challenge 4: Increasing Return Customers and Recurring Revenue

Once you've got customers... your job is done, right? Not so fast!

You can offer more solutions, courses, and ongoing membership access to these same customers over time... because the probability of selling to a new prospect is 5-20% and the probability of selling to an existing customer is 60-70%.

Ongoing Challenge 5: Customers Who Fall Off The Wagon and Cancel

Member retention is key to the long term success of your membership site. But it's normal for members to fall off the wagon, get busy, and stop logging into your membership site.

Or is it?

If you use smart nurturing strategies, you can keep your members engaged and actively benefitting from their membership and course access to reduce drop offs and refunds.

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